Teaching Practice
This Practice is one of the oldest established teaching practices in South Wales and supports up and coming GPs, medical students, nursing students and many other healthcare professionals are involved in the teaching ethos of the practice. Old School Surgery is an Accredited Advanced Training Practice and for many years has been involved in the postgraduate training of fully qualified doctors who wish to enter the speciality of General Practice and more recently undertaken refresher and remedial training for doctors. Each year a fully qualified doctor with experience in hospital medicine who is preparing to become a general practitioner joins the practice and spends up to a year working with us, sharing all aspects of medical care with the partners. Occasionally you may be asked permission for your consultation to be recorded; this is an important part of, not only the training of future GPs, but of the revalidation of the permanent doctors in the practice. The practice also has an ongoing commitment to undertake training of medical students for all years. Dr Nerys Simpson is responsible for the Year 5 (final year) Cardiff medical students who are attached to the Practice for eight weeks at a time. Dr Richard Walsh is responsible for the Swansea Medical Students who are attached to the Practice.
Occasionally you may be asked permission for a medical student to sit in on a consultation and, in addition, have the consultation videotaped.
GP Registrars
GP Registrars usually work in the Practice for between six and twelve months as part of their specialist family doctor training, and their work is supervised by the trainers. The GP Registrar is encouraged to take on long-term problems which are presented by the patient to him/her. They often have particular expertise in another branch of medicine as well.
Medical Students
5th Year Medical Students from Cardiff University Medical School are attached to the Practice for eight week attachments. These students are in their final year in their medical degrees and use this attachment to consolidate General Practice Experience.
4th Year Medical Students from Swansea University will also be attached to the Practice throughout the year.